It’s World Laughter Day!!!

Tricia as a kid in hat contest

How can we not laugh on World Laughter Day? I know many of us are so ready for life to get back to “normal” but, I have a feeling we are going to move forward to a whole new “normal.” For the millions of people who have been touched by this virus, life will certainly never be the same. For today, let’s find a small source of joy and share it with others (from 6 feet away).

On a totally different emotional plane, when I was in high school my sister gave me a laugh box. You could push a button and out would come maniacal laughter. I loved to leave it in someone’s locker and quickly move away. So, today is one I can embrace wholeheartedly.

Check out the awesome photo of a laughing snowy owl on Bing today.

Tricia Santos

After 18 years of providing computer consulting, training and speaking, I fell into a "real" job (managing a dental specialist practice). So, I gave up my business in 2007. However, I still love learning about computers and sharing what I know. This really is my favorite hobby. Hope you find it useful.

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